Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Attack Of The Nerves Part I (uncensored)

wtfuck at the present moment, im not exactly in the right state of mind.
precisely why im blogging. for whatever reason i cant fathom, im in a messed up state now.
attack of the nerves. exactly, wtf.
what with the belief in myself. where the fuck is it now. to top it off, its but a gp test tomorrow. mother.
honestly, how's standard argument going to help.
and why do i not see the essays featured in gpbull havin a thesis statement and w/e fucked up topic sentence tt someone so fervntly demand we include them in our essays.
and why do i not see the essays written along the rigid structure of super seven.
most imptly why are particular points in e essays so inadequately supported by evidence.
fuck the double standards.
moving on to econs. 11. fuck.
a pathetic wussed 11. im takin this fked up result relatively well.
leonard. newfound & profound respect for him.
he punctuated his sentences with fuck for the entire day upon receivin his econs paper. 11.
enough pussy wussy cussing. bedtime x)
hm on a side note, tuesdays generally suck.
PW. enough said.

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