Monday, December 17, 2007

marilyn merlot

that is one funky bottle of wine.

studying was unproductive. zhenan was being himself. i was reading about sook ching and all and i actually sympathized with the japs who were executed. lol seriously. the whole war crimes trial was merely victor's justice with the prosecutor, the judge and the jury all rolled in one. the atmosphere of the trials were just disgusting, were a mere sham of the sanctity of the courts.

some of these people might have stuck electrodes to boobs or bamboos into holes, but everyone did it. argumentum ad populem, but if these individual soldiers didnt do it, they risk being whooped by their superior officers. apparently the imperial army was a sadist shack, and superiors punch, slap, kick inferiors. many of the soldiers garrisoned in sgp fought through china and were battle hardened. the chinese there killed their brethens, so it is hard not to expect them to act in such an irrational manner. many of them are conscripts, and not in the right frame of mind and wont follow the way of the samurai and the code of honor and what not. and seriously, for some of the high ranking officers, i dont believe they had tacitly approved of the carnage.

rape of nanking was heinous, but chiang kai shek also killed the families of suspected communist sympathisers. his own people. yet, the world didnt really care. yupp commies, deserve to die, but it seems like it is generally acceptable to kill your own people cos that's home affairs and none of anyones business. think idi amin, think sese mobutu seko, think maozedong, think stalin.

but it is hard to draw the line, i think. where do u draw the line to prevent some nation from harming herself viz a nation being herself? cultural differences, but how far should we go to respect them, and should we impose our cultural ways on others? now killing jews is sod of questionable. but like, suttee, has been practised since time immemorial.

yesterday at aarons wasnt that good, cos we didnt really mix. lenny was being the manly scouty lenny, starting the fire and doing all the other man stuff.

tomorrow is be slacking and packing, cos


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