Tuesday, May 27, 2008


holidays used to be good fun, even june holidays. i remember the holidays from my primary school days when all i did was watch junk on kids central and maybe draw some drawings. read storybooks, something like that. i remember i read a hell lot of hardy boys in lower primary. fenton, joe, frank, chet. haha. still can remember them. although all the stories are actually the same thing in a different setting. well, i was small then.

holidays in ri were really good fun. complete slacking, as i watch junk on kids central and watch all the reruns of 7 oclock shows at 230 and then at 530. i played a lot of neopets and gunbound. yea. i only picked them up at end p6, cos that was when i actually got a compatible laptop. which is still the same laptop i am using now to type this entry. yea, went out with my brother, went to the library, went to the different shopping centers in singapore cos i was seriously too bored. from time to time, go for class outings to marina bay but most frequently to paradiz.

holidays in rj are real crappy. ok, maybe the march hols in j1 were somewhat enjoyable as i continued screwing around with some og mates who happened to be my classmates from 4p, if my memory hasnt failed me.

in june right after ccal camp, i mugged from monday to friday at sfl. i still did have some slack time, but only some. on sat and sun i always go out mess around, but on weekdays by the time i get home i am usually already quite spent. or i was slogging off some pw bullshit.

dec hols were still ok, did an internship which was not much of an internship and went to china.

march was spent studying for ct1, which i screwed hard. C for econs.

well this june hols is even tougher. i regret ever having those thoughts that school holidays are too long and we should have shorter holidays so that we can learn more stuff or we get through the education system faster (of course, p1+p2, p3+p4 should merge cos i dont remember learning anything between p1 and p4). this holiday is so packed with adventure as i attempt to scale knowledge hill, econs peak, chem peak, phy peak and math peak.

i started on saturday, after screwing gp on wednesday and after slacking for 2 days. econs started good, as i finish up macro econs. most of it. then on sunday, i screwed around a little. actually in the afternoon i was already foaming cos i was a little sick.

monday, went to smu to mug with zhenan, but i went to see doctor and then i felt quite sick so i went home at 2. and slept and slept and slept. which means i have already burnt 2 days of the holidays doing nothing much.

i am getting sick quite often. in fact, i think ive been sick so many times in rj its starting to get difficult to lose count. i had throat inflammation like 2 to 3 times last year, got skin allergy during my internship at ies, then this year at the start of my h3 my nose would just be foaming at smu. now this. maybe my lifestyle is getting too sedentary. i hope no one is cursing me.

anyway im feeling slightly better now, and i have more or less finished mugging the econs notes. better mug hard cos i have 2 camps to clear.

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