Saturday, September 20, 2008

of polystyrene men, tetrasodium EDTA and coconuts

prelims are over.

and now a one week reprieve.

the fortnight has been neverending rape. got banged on the first day by econs. singala my balls man. completely had no idea what i was writing. half my ideas were brainless halfbaked shit. looked bleak. looked tough. saw foam.

math wasnt any better. complex numbers was too complex for me, and i made tons of careless mistakes along the way. coupled with my complete lack of proper presentation, math was disastrous.

and then physics2 was bad. after getting knocked over silly by math just the afternoon before my head wasnt ready, so it got bashed real hard and bashed through ala celebrity deathmatch. doing the physics paper was like pushing my head into a pencil sharpener. the automatic kind. it gets more and more painful along the way, until a certain point, then i grow numb and give up.

lets leave chemistry at that. saw it coming.

and then econs again was mindless assault as i didnt read the stimuli thoroughly enough. ended up not talking about public transport, although i still stand by my stand that public transport is not a substitute for private transport, not when u have to stand in a foul packed bus filled with foul individuals who probably hadnt bathed since soap emulsions came around. nope, not when u can be sitting on premium leather from italian calf instead of on those plastic chairs that are too small. and no so called involved member of the public will get u to give ur seat up for a folk, god knows whether the folk needs it more than u do.

of course i didnt read the other inflation policies, so i think iwill die again.

math p2 was slightly easier. made many mistakes, but didnt feel so depressed. maybe ive been lowering my standards throughout the prelims. in fact ive been lowering my standards doubly quick since entering rj. i remember times in ri, when even getting 19/20 warranted and inquiry. now, its like, pray for 70%.

physics was cock.

then the last day was serious foam. 2 mcqs, and i died for both. i dont think they were testing chemistry concepts, they were testing comprehension skillz. they were testing reading speed, and they were testing shading ability. they were, in short, testing everything about testing skills and testing everything except that which is important, chemistry.

physics was phoamy. i got jacked by a few questions cos i just read them too quickly. could not waste no time, especially after chemistry. walan eh. blue to red. cb la.

basically, prelims had been a massive misadventure, a complete cockup.

yesterday i took 171 home. its been a long long while since i last used public transport. and then along dunearn i passed a petrol kiosk where 2 attendants were marvelling at a ferrari gtb fiorano. the one attending to it was happily whistling as he motioned his friends to look over.

i wonder whether i will end up as an attendant. and then i will be happy on my job, cos i get to see cars that i dont own. but i will imagine im pumping all my cars up. and then i will imagine driving them out of the petrol kiosk. lol. actually i wonders what the attendants be thinking. whoa, today, i filled out a fiorano. the petrol went down like everydays sunday, not like some pussy toyota harrier. whoa. smooooooth. sweeeeet. it was a good pump.

and then i go out for a smoke and announce to everyone the satisfaction i get from pumping up a fiorano.

next time, all you homies out there should come to where i work to pump it up. if it is a fiorano a maranello or my favorite, the testarossa. of course, lamborghinis and bentleys and rolls are all welcome.

nope, not cherys.

ok. my obsession with coconuts.

im obsessed with coconuts since mooncake fever blue over. i think coconuts are nice, but coconut oil is disgusting. coconut oil when applied to hair, mixed with sweat, smells like vomit.

anyways, anyways, france is like a small coconut, and then canada is like 14 small coconuts. i dont know why im saying this. but clearly, my attempts at writing out of thin air doesnt work. looks like i wont even have a chance at pussy schools like boston.


going off to nurse my self worth back to me. after surfingwankingsleeping yesterday, im all charged up to watch kidscentral today.

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