Monday, October 20, 2008

about the art exhibition

it has come to my attention that some members of the art club were quite unhappy about my post. after reading the post myself, i have edited it, and i unreservedly apologize if i was overly critical or if i did not understand exactly what the work was about. although i still feel that if one has to go through all those storyboards to understand the piece at all, then it cant be too fantastic a piece of art.

if i had offended anyone with that post, i really am very sorry. please forgive me by that i have not received any formal instruction in art so i probably deal with art with my baser emotions. so i might not have responded as i should or as was intended, and i am sorry. and i should not have made any homsexual references because it is very inaccurate and unfair to the guy in question. no malice intended.

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