Saturday, June 13, 2009

i've become a celebrity and a consultant after getting ooc-ed. everyone needs some advice, and as a nice friend i am ever willing to share. like william tan, i like making a difference.

this frenzy that erupts about the OOCs and the downpessers
really spakes volumes of our love for national service and the manliness of the men who carry the pink.

only in this period of bondage does being injured become a good thing. almost everyone wants to hurt himself, not for a purple heart, or duty, honor, country, but for the 'c' behind their pes. somehow, it is like getting 'excused heavy load' and throwing down the yoke of oppression. the yoke's down, but you are still shackled. an improvement, anyhows.

yupp, they treat you as humanely as possible, like in guantanamo bay, for the very same reasons that treat you so, in guantanamo bay.

life is beautiful

if and only if you


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