Sunday, December 26, 2010


christmas was a nonevent, same as the last. except that sitting in my wallet is my beloved pink ic.

as the year draws to a close i count my lucky stars and thank providence. i ord-ed without much trouble. my surgery seems to have gone fine and i enjoyed my mc really hard. and when i returned i got a benevolent boss who did not bother me with much work. i got lucky with the mo, got excused outfield, and then excused sunlight. i am still on that status, until friday 31st. i spent much of the time outside camp. i booked out for physios, took full day offs when i went for medical appointments, and booked out early for my french lessons. and my french lessons were on busy nights. sweet coincidence. whenever i was in camp i was playing pool or puzzlefighter or reading or using the gym. because everyones outfield, a place i cannot go. and in the end i took 6 weeks of off and leave to study for my exams. and then my benevolent boss gave me 2 very goods on my cos. and i cannot ask for more. because the only thing outstanding about me was that i was hardly ever in camp.

i passed my dalf c1 and my delf b2. i received my lowest and highest absolute scores respectively. 63,5 75,5. they are embarrassing, but i take pride that i passed on the first attempt and i owned my french classmates who started out way way ahead of me. i remember they were using all the big words and acting pro the first few lessons i felt like a complete noob like i was going to have to pay back the monies to the ministry and call it a day. and the teacher was picking on me because i was the only guy and we know how frenchmen chase women muchly. anyways the fact that they were from fass and doing some trashy eurostudies thingy does not discount my achievement. lol. now i will be working harder on my french. need to get started on listening to the radio again. 11/25 for my listening was a real joke. but everyone agreed that it was too tough. disappointing.

2 weeks of post ord post delfdalf life have passed, and ive been spending the time wandering the shopping malls of singapore and looking at plans at bca and visiting contractors and architects and their projects as my house is finally going to be rebuilt and im going to make sure it turns out right this time. 1 week from now i will be starting work at the middleeastern directorate. i hope to do well and leave a good impression on them. and not waste time doing rubbish and walking round the nearby shopping mall as i did in jc1 with ies. lol.

ok lifes sweet, for now. but i live on a sinusoidal curve, so i dont know whats going to happen next.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

ord loh.

it's been a week since my ord. and everyday's been sunday. have completely lost track of time. but now no-french week is over, and i should be back to learning my french. or at least i should be listening to the silly broadcasts on rfi. with my very good conduct and performance in ns i am much closer to going to menton next year.

and my iphone. it is sucking the life out of me. i just cant get it to work and i dont know why i need to give my credit card info to register the phone to get my phone to sync with the itunes on my comp so i cant load shit onto it. i am dying.

i hope i passed my dalf c1, and i hope i can start work next january. or else this period of hunting for contractors or lazing around will drain me. completely. i already dont feel too well. drowning in guilt. everyones doing something, earning some money. i am doing nothing productive or excessively fun. i am just passing time. one sunday after another.

but at the same time there is an inertia that is preventing me from committing to anything. its painful.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

it is december

tomorrow is the day.

bonne chance! LOL.