Monday, June 18, 2007

counting down..2

tomorrow is duan wu jie..
a traditional festival in china..
on this day,we will eat zhong zi..some kind of rice ball..singapore should also have sold..
it is and gonna be the only festival that i can sort of celebrate with my family..
a bit sad..
anyway,my parents are going to visit me during december holidays!
so maybe can have christmas together..
i was faking that i have been back to singapore alr yesterday!
haha,but no ticket cannot be changed any more liao!
oya, got see my photo albums?
siao!the polar bear and penguins are from the poles,not harbin!
anyway,i'll bring back some local food (something for por* party)..
don dun want then we eat in school..
no need to hav a big party lah..
maybe juz some small gathering before the CTs!
good luck,guys!i go out for dinner liao!:)
got ice kachang! au revoir~

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