Saturday, January 5, 2008

tell me when will you be mine

obama won. i sortof expected him to win. hillarys too power hungry for her own good. and for americas own good. shes way too ambitious and she just passes off as too guailan, exercising so much power and influence on the cabinet during the clinton administration. anyway shes a she.

expected edwards to fare better, cos obama is black and iowa is predominantly white. but maybe its good that americans have gone past racial segregation.

huckabee won. i though romny would have won. he was the shoo in man. although this time the republican candidates dont really interest me. i support republicans, btw. im conservative.

today went to the australian university fair again with my family, just to try our luck for dunno what. the fair was swarming with people. maybe like 2000 at any point in time.

which goes to show 2 things. singapores education system is inadequate, or there are too many dreamers.

clearly, many poly kids want to go to uni, cos they realize that their diplomas are crap, no matter what sourgrapes and school admin tells them, and their results are too crap to get them into singapore unis. but such aspirations are pretty screwed up i suppose, because we all know that aussie unis accept the lowest end of grads. thats why its easy to study there, cos ur with stupid.

anyway we were at the uq booth, and there was this girl and her father chatting with the uni rep. admissions officer, whatever. now this is interesting.

the girl was about my height. she was nicely bronzed and toned, like she lived on the beaches of casablanca. she was all decked out in chunky jewelry, massive erdos-esque earrings, bamboo bracelets and aviators that covered half her face. she wore a tube top and levi's mini skirt. and she carried a newurbanmale tote bag.

now she put her results on the table. her poly cert and whatnot. apparently she was from biz comm and she wanna pursue her degree in uq cos she cant get into singapore unis. so the admissions officers looked at her stuff and said that she stood a chance of entering the uni. she smiled, and her luscious lips parted. nope they werent mae west kinda lips.

so the whole aussie experience would set u back by (i think) 100 000 for 2 years. says the officer.

then the father snapped. that he cant afford her studies in australia. he has only 60 000 savings and he cant see himself holding down the same job for another 10 years.

the father looked totally unlike the daughter. the father was shagged, and frail. his daughter was nicely tanned; he was charcoal. they didnt look related. she looked like someone from the upper crust, he looked like someone below the coffeestain below the carpet below the pyramid of social classes.

now his daughter was visibly pissed. she was a little hott, so i observed her even before this. and she was pouting, maybe cos she was embarrassed to be with her father. even when she was pouting, she was cute. but she grew pissed. and she sounded irritated as she asked if theres be subsidy for poor birds like herself.

i dont know, but such pretentious people should just fuck off. she should know the state of her family, and she has also herself to blame for her results. i think she should try to understand the predicament of her family. yeah, her parents probably sucked, but its too bad shes got them as parents. she should resign herself to fate. maybe work a few years, save some money, then go.

but she sat there, and refused to budge, just pissed. we were in line, and i wanted to give her a punch.

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