Saturday, May 16, 2009

armor engineer specialist

school of infantry specialists here i leave...

sibei heng. fuck. luckily no aslc man. dunnd exercise cobra and what not. dont need to go to taiwan and hump around for 3 weeks. uncontrolled navigation for 100km. on foot. in the jungle. siao. yay.

most importantly, engineers dont need to do soc! hahahaha. with this new posting, i can kiss the low wall goodbye. and i heard that arm eng spec dunnd lbv also. just wear that temasek green jumpsuit. which is good shit.

wasnt the best of postings. would have preferred signals. stagmont campe is so much nearer to my house than nee soon camp. but thats fine by me too. chongpang is a nice place to screw around during nights outs. hahas. but sadly, no one from golf is aes like me. chaocheebye. but aes sounds better than field and cbre. and encik says i earn more than arm inf and aslc dudes. lol. hopes people there are nice.

anyways, all the best to the aslc doods. aaron, ronald, nigel. hongkan.

else, i missed 28km routemarch. i guess that doesnt matter, cos engineers dont do routemarches, methinks. lol.

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