Saturday, October 27, 2007


I. Results

Don has done well although it is below his normal standard.

on one hand its flattery. on the other, it smacks of blatant suanning. f. even though my lit sucks i can read between the lines. f. on my promos report. fill in the blank man! rargh!


I suck. I know that. The skit I crafted died. largely due to lack of practice and cos I was generally screwed up cos I was sick. but being sick does not mean I have the right to fuck it up. but the lack of aptitude was clearly reflected.

PW is a misadventure. I'm getting raped by it. First I settle the wr. and it goes wrong. OP, the final stretch is going wrong too. I just hope we can work damn hard and have the heavens be merciful and let us pass this turbulent times as a pw grp before all of us can fuck off and die.

III. Singapore

NMP thio is just troubling. pluralism but not plurality. religious morality affects public policy. I don't know, but these arguments reek of elitism and of an asshole speaking froma higher moral ground.

I'm glad Janadas Devan of the Straits Times, incidentally Devan Nair's son so brilliantly rebutted her puerile points. Read Saturday section page 59. Insight. He's a real man


Back to pw.

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