Monday, June 16, 2008

f kinetics

chilli crab + durians + sleep at 3am is pretty damaging. i should learn to blow my hair so i dont have to stay up till my hair is dry. or cut my hair soon cos its damn bloody long, especially at the back.

kinetics revision is making me foam. rate, rate equation and what not. and i cant find the bloody answerkey to the kinetics revision even though im pretty sure i have it. screw chem. rather, screw myself. im really hopeless at chem. even after days of foaming over organic, i still get conned by alicyclic amides and ketones. i still foam whenever i see NaOH, even though im quite confident i know what im doing in general.

at the rate im going, i can already see myself ending up in the hallowed halls of nus. a global education right at home! hehe. naah no foreign university would want me. just a peep at my transcript and they will just chuck my application down some toilet somewhere. or maybe they will be kind enough to return them with a rejection letter which explicitly says, "bugger off, wake up, stop dreaming. suicide is painless."

maybe even nus wont want me. they would scoff at my transcript and have the whole admissions department take turns to cough and spit into my rejection letter. most probably they dont want a pussy who cant even grasp, much less master, kinetics. they dont want a pussy who cannot even get a decent score for econs. yupp, C is indecent. i think the law fac also dont want people who cant get A for GP. argh!!! shit. screw the non-interference essay.

alright. time for lunch.

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