Saturday, June 28, 2008

twist and shout

life rocks.

apart from constantly underperforming in common tests

apart from having a hopeless cca record (and in the process ruining a cca)

apart from having a pussy cip record (and in the process screwing up a camp)

apart from my pathetic SAT score

yea life rocks.

life rocks

even though with my results and records i cannot go to any decent university. im just totally neither here nor there. to say that my results and records suck is unfair. but to say that my results and records are good is being untruthful.

even though i cant pass napfa, i screwed up my bloodtest, i probably screwed up my ns aptitude test, and im most likely going to end up a pussy rifleman licking yigays daojies lennys aarons boots when they come over to my camp.

even though i dont stand a decent chance of even clinching myself a pussy scholarship. on the above 2 counts, of poor school records and a poor chance at ocs, obviously im unwanted. not so much a piece of junk to be extricated and eradicated with immediacy. just some lump of dirt that concerns nobody. i just pray that im not exterminated. or at least not cruelly.

life rocks

despite having failure coming headon with no way to avoid it

despite having to see myself failing again and again

life just rocks my socks.

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