Saturday, August 23, 2008

zhenan's personal statement

here i am, sitting in front of my laptop, listening to the old chinese songs that yh will definitely like, stoning at the almost empty word document. i was supposed to send don my ps tonight, but i hav been writing, deleting and rewriting for the entire night, and now, i got almost nothing but the title.

is this how i gonna make it into cambridge? if don put me in his delusion graph, i guess i would be somewhere near the gal, or is my point going to be fit outside the A3 paper? getting into cambridge is tough, but i made it harder by putting my name down under the best college together with ming quan and competing the same subject area with all the math genius like mila, hj, sj, st and his gf. but i still would like to thank jh and ronald, for giving chance, so that i still can dream that there might be a tiny minute chance for me to get in.

i just went to xiaonei, the chinese version of facebook, and saw the full list of all the prcs from hci, rjc and vj who went overseas to study. they are real gods. u penn, yale, stanford, mit, caltech, cambridge, oxford, imperial, williams, amherst, chicago, etc. etc. if i could get into any of these, i would be happily dancing naked! but let's be realistic. 9As, C for GP. how? 2130 for SAT, dream on! what can i do now?

my toefl result coming out tomorrow, hopefully it will help me move closer to my targets. anyway, i hav already finished the test and sent the results to all the top schools, what can i do about it now anyway? maybe a little bit of divine intervention would be helpful now. help me pray, dudes.

ok, i need to get back to my personal statement. GP tomorrow. i told jarrod that i will get my A this time. good night!

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