Sunday, February 1, 2009

nullus secundus

took me ein whole morning to finish reading the budget.

it is not an ordinary budget. it is not even an ordinary countercyclical budget.

it is an extraordinary budget of Resilience. i like all the funny schemes to improve the supply side. fiscal spending with supply side slant. and some aspects of keynesianism. we are all keynesians, we. i think monetary policy is already quite dead. cannot really cut interest rates anymore. and everyone's balls already shrinking, no confidence to invest. govt has to step in to sustain ad. and now is good time to invest in infrastructure cos can soak up excess manpower. it took me time to get some econs back into my system. i think the tekong sun baked it all out of me head.

anyways now i know that the median income in sgp is 2500. never knew that. now i also know tt it costs us 20.5b and is 6% of basic balance, 3.5% of gdp. and us is spending 825b usd n uk spending 20bn pounds. which is all nais. and decoupling and deleveraging and all that shit.

i also now know theres such thing as a tripartite agreement on management of excess manpower. lol. impressive ya. now i hope mas had given me the scholarship a lot a lot a lot more. im juz a pussy reject. boohoohoo.

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