Saturday, September 15, 2007


before anyth
thanks aaron for going to great lengths to print my fucking report. thaanks that my report is done and i can go to sleeps with the ease of me mind. even if my fucking report sucks, knowing that i cant do anything to salvage or remedy it takes something of me mind so i can focus more on me mugging for promos, which contrary to popular belief, has been really quite sucky. no where near june's hardcoreness. my gp is muz hav mood then can do, induction and apgp look like needa lot of hardcore presentation skills, waves seem easy but make no sense, and chem is a struggle. econs i havent even started. looks like no deans list for me anymore.

we's has a profond influence on each other, we's affect each other in our daily lives a lot. leonard is a real groundbreaker who has effected change in the community in ri and rj. everyone is learning leonardspeak, what with the drawn out pleeeese at everything and the jokes-ah-jokes, okaehhh, a-dotz. heehee. real men will cast imperious shadows, as everyone starts to speak like him.
zhenan's 'u piss me off' is becoming a classic.
yiheng's 'my balls are shrinking' 'my father would grab me by the scruff of my collar and slash my dick off and say ok u may leave now' and assorted gay comments.
lijian's 'fill in the blanks' 'funny ah funny'
not contrived, my life.

ottofong gayincident is troubling. not his gayness, but ri's response. why were they so eager to come out and shoot him down? i guess it all boils down to the fact that singapore views this as unnatural and all that. but is what is unnatural always wrong? surely if this is the case we would be slipping down the slippery slope down into a dark abyss of sthostyle theocracy.
maybe its cos theyre afraid he would gay ri boys. well real gays dont go around gaying people openly. if he requested posting to ri cos he was gay so he can stare at lil boys then male teachers in rj and female teachers in ri should be suspect. i doubt he would seriously do anyth stupid. and anyway he is quite a good dedicated teacher so i heard, better than the wusses.
give gays a break man. they deserve a right to fuck around as they please.

ok, time for some hardcore mugging.

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