Monday, November 12, 2007


ive decided to break the blanket silence on my internshippe.

many a time today i felt like asok, the intern in dilbert. i can draw many parallels. we are the lowest lifeforms in the office, which is dysfunctional. everyone just dumps work on us and no one really gives a fuck about us. most of them are stupid and tell you contradictory stuff or set out unachievable goals. maybe they secretly enjoy giving unclear instructions and sending you on the long route.

but u cant blame them. having talented invidividuals in these jobs waste them. u need shit heads. now im supportive of the elitist fastracking program. these plebes are hopeless.

tomorrow i got quite a bit of shit to do. but im just going to take it easy, take it slow. im just a lowly intern. a loser who needs some good shit on his cv.

a subcubicle dweller trawling the bottom for scum. a subcubicle dweller that refers to pricewaterhousecoopers so much, in a cultured place like rj u refer to as plagiarising. a subcubicle dweller who's time does not matter, and the full cubicler, the senior officer and manager can thumb u down n kick u around.

anyway, for the cv
im doing it
im swallowing my pride
snapping my backbone
and being a total fucked up shit

asok ftw.

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