Monday, December 3, 2007

integer vitae scelerisque purus

the previous posts were depressing. the inability to sign up for the SAT, the impending doom that is my A levels, my bad leadership. a reflection on the disappointing life that i have led.

the posts were personal,
the posts were spiteful.
the prose (if they can even be so indulged) spoke of
nothing, but angst
and pent up rage,
of a person so confused,
and left behind,
by the throngs of humanity
surging forth.

my journey, marathon that is life,
whatever imagery used
looks bleak
dark, disgusting,
dreary, depressing,
dismal, daunting.
(see i can already pass my SATs man! i didnt have to use a thesaurus)

cheer up!- says zhenan
i appreciate it
but the reality of my life
is saddening.

im a failure
im a spiteful failure
im a detestable and spiteful failure.

so i hope a hope
to tomorrow

nothing. byebye.

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