Monday, December 31, 2007

this may very well be the last post of 2007

2007 has been a turbulent year. i had my happy times, i had my sad times.

elation, satisfaction, joy like i have not felt in my 4 years in the more sterile ri. rjc is just steps away, but rjc is totally different. this year, the first time anybody celebrated my birthday, this year, the first time i actually talked to my contemporaries of the fairer sex. in pri sch i didnt really mix with them, and in ri there were none of them. they might be petty, ignorant, selfish (and the rg ones manly), but they are interesting to know, i suppose.

achieving something extra curricular, becoming the chairman. small club, but chair, nonetheless. my pride, my joy. in ri, i was the slacker, the lucky slacker who raped the cca records with 28 points without going for more than a quarter of the trainings, the slacker that maybe many despised. maybe many detested.

pissed off, when i saw the throngs of prcs. in my og, then in my class. anger and frustration gave way to regret, when i realized karma might have been at work. the years of happying around 4p telling shida how condemned china is and making his life miserable might have brought this upon me.

despair, when i screwed up my econs and my promos. depression, when my cca almost crumbled. when caq was not approved, when tk called the schools individually to cancel the caq.

suicidal, when i first met my pw, when i did pw, when i submitted pw. suicidal when i got a2 for hcl. suicidal when i screwed up my SPAs.

crests and troughs, of amplitudes far greater than those in my relatively sheltered ri life. choppy. foamy.

2007 is a turning point. things changed in 2007. things happened in 2007. but 2007 is about to be over. i thank everyone for the pleasant and happy memories. i will always treasure. to those who have made my life unpleasant, watch out. im waiting to see your downfall, and im always ready to rub it in.

2008 will be a tough year. a fucking tough year ahead. i here resolve to work hard to whip my A levels damn hard. and i shall endeavor to be nicer.

Happy New Year Everyone.

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