Saturday, February 9, 2008

Maharishi, what have you done?

why did you die at ninety one?
(at this point i want to put a respectful red flower but i cant find the symbol. i didnt make an effort to actually. same thing. actually.)

Ah Meng died. She was old. or isit 'It'?
but she lived a long life for an orang utan in captivity. i had never had breakfast with her, but from the reports, she was fantastic. a fantastic ape that has contributed so much to tourism in Singapore she was awarded a medal or something, and is the only non-human to have ever received it.

my total loot is increasing at a decreasing rate. The rate is decreasing at an increasing rate. d2y/dx2. i estimate that it is about 2700 and it would level off around 2800 by the 15th. which is quite a good hunt i suppose.

apart from the angpows and the goodies and the mahjong and the card games, cny hasnt been very fantastic. but its a good break from school i suppose. havent touched any homework since my reunion dinner. a good break.

chinese are still very chauvinistic. haha. reunion only with the male side, paternal relatives are 'inside', maternal 'outside' and all that. well i heard some parents conversing, then one of them said, 'you got 3 sons? whoa so lucky! must be good karma! aiyah i got 4 daughters...daughters no use...keep trying for a son (that's why so many daughters)...'

lol. and somehow i remember someone in class has 3 sisters...

...her father must have generated serious bad karma.

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