Tuesday, April 1, 2008

living the good life

1. nap 2 hours whether required or otherwise
2. surf porn. bdsm
3. beat it
4. have fresh milk and post cereal even though its not breakfast
5. have fresh avocado
6. read baby blues. laugh
7. get online and tell aaron to get the seminars in order
8. tell zhenan he is a gay, then youtube
9. set a perverse self nomination form
10. surf more porn
11. cognac 'on the rocks'
12. sleep at 0000
13. wake up at 0900 with sun in face.
14. listen to lobo
15. chipolata omelette and bread with kaya and peanut butter
16. read the straits times
17. screw around

i am living it up yo!

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