Wednesday, September 15, 2010

the resistance

i am excused outfield so i wont i wont i wont go out. make me and i will report sick. make me and i will forward a complaint to the afc. some regulars seem to be plain dumb. of course people who are ex outfield can go outfield, just like exrmj people can sometimes actually do all of the above, just as anyone else can take the lift to the top of an apartment block, urinate on some slippers carelessly dumped about on the corridors, masturbate in the dogs presence and do some cover art on walls and doors before freefalling from the service ledge.

on a more mature level, most normal people hold sacred their own right to life, but would definitely sacrifice their lives for that of their loved ones.

medicine is not so advanced and it is partly the reason that statuses are so broadly defined. apart from the inability to detect exactly the symptoms and ailments, some injuries have no alleviation and it simply makes more sense for the state to compromise on contributions of the conscript than pay out the conscript some considerable sum. and after all i am a conscript, i am not a regular, i am a citizen-soldier, a citizen first, a soldier second. my contribution as a soldier cannot at anypoint undermine or diminish my ability to contribute otherwise as a citizen and should not compromise irreparably my welfare.

and this is a point i will not move away from.

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