Thursday, March 6, 2008

gratitude . providence

when life gives you lemons,
you think of akerlof and his paper
and you ask yourself,
why didnt you think of it.

im a magnet for trouble.
when im out, shit always happens.
and im always around when shit happens
when spontaneous people do the limbo in RI

and gets caught on video.

anyway, after some intense exploration on my way home
when i was caught in the jam at eng neo

i dont see why doing a limbo there is dangerous
because there were no cars.
i dont see any damage inflicted on ourselves and on the gantries.
and i dont see why the security guards should be so uptight about this.
anyway i dont see how security guards should be bothered about non security related stuff

when they should be protecting important people's kids.

but we didnt give him a hard time, he was just following instructions
cos the idiot was caught on tape

i guess as much as u dont prosecute noncommissionedofficers for executing orders, u dont make his life tough because he is but a pawn. not worth time or effort. people like him, impervious to logic. also good. if everyone can think society will get fucked.


and zhenan readily disregarded any miranda warning.

i won gomuku.

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