Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Raffles Gays' School

both RI and RJ should be renamed to RGS. Raffles Gays' School. Everything about the whole raffle-shun famili is gay.

RI times were gay times. When everyone was gay, in the sense of, happy. i remember those times when studying took a backseat and i spent my recesses and lunches and after school hours pcc-ing with stho, shayi, marcus and all.

i didnt know every single geper back then, but i knew most of them, and most of them were leading very gay lives. scorpion in the class of the lovers, serenading in 4q and all.

and then of course the real gay stuff. like all the cheek pinching by wenjun and all the gaying by foong and ian. yea. like hugging, taupokking, buying gay gifts, discussing about fetishes like bdsm, subsequently trying to act them out and more.

of course, in rj there are also real gays. like aar n lang playing footsie, and a certain luo who takes photos of daojie's abs of steel and armor plated love handles. and lenny and yiheng flexing and admiring each other's excessive muscularity.

in rj, life is gay in a different way. the exams just rape u again and again. no one is left behind, and no behind is left untouched. or so the saying goes. u mug for ur exams like a real gay, but u still get gayed by the exams like a gay should be gayed. take econs, ok i didnt gaymug, but i got really hard gayed by it. ouch. S.

and then in the last 2 years of formal mainstream education, everyone starts gaying everything. cca, cip, AP, SAT. life turns gay as everyone works his gay head off to try to gay hard. probably scholarships, or for some rich bastards, recognition. u gay them hard, committ urself to gaying with hopeless kids once or twice a week, u gay ur cca and try to keep it together and get an exco position, u gay any external activity, indian bicultural, chinese bicultural, u go for attachments, basically u just gay ur shit. life is really damn gay in rj.

in both ri and rj, there are of course, real gays. we call them real gays, because everytime we hear about them, ppl says, tts gay! these people are like qianqian, juanhe, ronald chan, shayi, dominic and the like, who simply own everything. cca, check. attachment, check. exchange, check. olympiad, check. girlfriend, check. dean's lists, multiple gay checks.

these are the real gays.

so i think everything about these schools be real gay. ri doesnt make boys become young gentlemen. it makes boys turn into real gays. gays who are not fine, gays who think j8 is their home and make all the plebians jealous of their gaiety. rj just makes gays, even gayer.

rafflesgaysschool that should be da name.

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