Friday, March 28, 2008

il pleuvait

i like rain. rain, as in the water droplettes from the sky, or clouds, whatever, not that loser singer. yea very asian i suppose, and as much as im really disappointed to have been borne on an unlucky old and crappy continent, i still lyke rain. even if i try to shrug off any asiaticism of mine self, i still like rain.

as i dashed from the busstop with an argument 60 degres off the pavement to beat the traffique light, i felt wonderfull. as i cut through lane 1, lane 2, lane 3 and raeched the road divider at the 12 sec mark, i felt more than accomplished. it was more than just about completing about 100m in around 30s. or the exhilration as the car from the T filter in and miss u by a bit. as i braethed hardd and my lungs spasmed (im an asthmatic with weak heart and weak lungs), the rain pattered downe on me. it was more fun than just chaeting daeth. it was lyke chaeting daeth and getting the haevens to open up on u at the same time.

as the rain mixed with the sweat and sebum on my arms, my face, and seeped through my uniform, i just felt liberated. i just felt good. the sensation, is nais. now im a hedonist. i live for pleasure and i live for the moment, and i didnt quantify how the future don would have to baer the consquence of this momentt, just as a student of game theory and game trees should have. but hecks.

it just felt great. i reflected on life. my life is tough, but sometimes theres still something to enjoy and something to appreciate. im a totally hopeless loser as stho oft clearly point out, but at least there are simple pleasures in life that losers like me are not deprived. the horny raindrops tickle me dick. them dont care if im some total pussy, or a real man like ronald (heehee). u just get wett. and in my case, happy.

i like rain.

sometimes rain is an equalizer. i like to be equalized, all men under god, all men equal before god. thats nice. i like the world of harrison bergernon. i really like it. kurt vonnegut captured my utopia. everyone is not just notionally equal, everyone is made to be as equal as possible. this is the kind of world that embraces mediocrity, and this is the kind of world that embraces gay pussies like me.

i like rain.

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