Friday, October 1, 2010

phallic arrows

the presentation of symbols often amuse me. how one presents his or her symbols changes with the passage of time, but they still bear some telltale signs of the circumstances through which the person had picked up or integrated the symbol into his or her daily life. some symbols are picked up as part of formal education and stay on forever, like double striking the $. sometimes it is the way a whole culture does it, like how the french write their '1' with the prestroke extending from the horizon. some manifestations point to girliness, like using circles or hearts to finish off 'i' and 'j'. and maybe even smaller social groups. i notice that many rg girls tend to draw the heart shape in a weird way with a stroke across it, like an 's' lying on its side and then completed to make a traditional looking heartshape. maybe it is this stroke across that prevents them from finding romance.

and weirdly, all 3 french teachers at the alliance have arrowsigns that are strangely very phallic. instead of the stick arrow they use an outline of the arrow so that the arrow looks like =>. when they do it quickly the point gets blunted off so it looks really really like a dick. maybe it is intentional innuendo in response to the excess estrogen in the class.

some are more conscious than others that there are people who observe such stuff. and some make great effort to conceal such signs so that they are not judged and mostly so they do not get spat on. i dislike such pretentious people although i understand where they come from.

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