Saturday, May 19, 2007

get over it

today i dragged myself to school for some stupid leadership challenge thing related to the ccal camp.
the model is quite dumb, what with service to the followers. leaders exist for the followers and not the other way round and whatever. in rj there exists 3 kinds of 'leaders', those who are there for fun, those who are there for the prestige and those who are hypocrites. helping others, serving others, save it. like anybody would actually serve others for the sake of serving others. i guess we just have to be content that whatever the motives others are served.
already the camp seems spastic to me. it just seems like obs all over again except it is shorter and somehow we need more stuff.
im in 5d, same major group as juanhe daniel wu kern wong and all the fun people. but the minor group is quite sad. only know jeremy and heard of junwei. yah.
some talks were just draggy and then some ccad councillor came to encourage us to go for match support and help them with their saigang. in the first place part of the councillorship is to do saigang. but i dunthink being ccal entails this. i might go with the fun ppl.
the dean of student development, dunno who she is, talked about some raffleswatchgroup thingy. walau like anybody would be bold enough to approach strangers and the probability of even getting one guy fawkes or cho seung hui among them. and they cant be so easy to catch if they have ulterior motives in mind.
went to turf city to eat
then came home. by then it was 4. read a bit of newspaper then i slept until now.

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