Thursday, August 26, 2010


when life gets too tough, just run across a busy road.
do it at a u-turn and get the manual cars locked up,
and start afresh, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

life needs to be simplified, or shortened.
complication breeds anxiety, and already now,
too much anxiety is within my system.

mix the anxiety up with angst, depression
and general moodiness

and you get a human bittergourd. that is fermenting,
and without the 2569 vitamins and minerals.
you get me.

anxiety rapes me of my sanity, the sanctity of life, and my soul
and puts in my heart the fear, that i will be reincarnated,

as a bittergourd. that is unloved and uneaten.
that wont be able to contribute to mankind as nutritious slices in an omelette
or with blackbeans
heck not even juiced by the newage-homosexual-leftist-ecomentalist
but instead be the gourd that will get infested with little worms
and maggots and all that is unpleasant.

but i dont want to be a bittergourd.

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