Saturday, August 21, 2010

why didnt CO clear with me

because you are only his css trainer. dont be ridiculous.

i have never met such an obnoxious and retarded person and it still puzzles me how he has been able to rise to be a major, seeing that he has obvious speech issues, speaks like a matrep, acts like one, and has a dubious MSc Logistics from nti, on top of general tactlessness and complete and blatant insubordinate behavior. and obviously he didnt do his work properly, what with all the wrong figures in whatever he has tallied up at the like, and discounts for bulk losses eg x=3, 3x(w GST)=7. jokes. and with only 108 people booked in, 135 people did ippt, and in one company of 42 takers, 0 passed. boomz!

why iti is such an epic failure has become apparent. it is not just rotten at the bottom, its rotten in the middle and at the top. when the co speaks, the oc is talking on the phone or thumbing the ikea catalogue. when the co advises for amendments, the csstnr just brushes him off in the face. yes the co can be difficult at times, but i dont see how that gives them the right to just disregard him right in his face. at least have the courtesy to disparage him behind his back.

maybe thats why they all dont get promoted. on top of not working, they get lousy appraisals for pissing their boss off. how wise.

first week done. taking a half day off on monday to miss the insane 0610 ahm cat. half day offs are quite dumb actually, but i have 22 days of off and leave, not including the 1.5 days i am expending in the week. and the wisdom extraction. its also a good deal, because i think its not nice to make my father drive me to jcamp1 at 0555 and i dont want to book in sunday night to the stinky disgusting bunks. pui.

wednesday co talk, and they have removed all the lockers from the locker room already. they had better not implement stay in, at least not before i ord. in 111 days.

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